1. Perform acts requiring substantial specialized judgement and skill.
2. Observe care and counsel children who are ill, injured or in some other way in need of service.
3. Assist in the building in caring for first-aid needs of the children; furthermore, the nurse will periodically examine according to established school policies, children's eyes, hearing, general health, height, weight and any other things which are felt to be of necessity for the student's records.
4. When children transfer into the school from another school system, such medical information as required will be secured for the nurse or by the nurse, whichever case is more convenient.
5. Insure that a follow-up of this information is accurately maintained in the student's permanent record file.
6. As required, assist one another in carrying out the various activities in the screening and testing of children throughout the school system. These nurses may, under doctor's supervision in the case of school district employees, give injections or immunizations according to the limits of the law.
7. Assist in the inservice training of teachers and staff concerning the teaching of health techniques to the children.
8. Maintain their professional competence and attend inservice and other conferences, workshops and activities which will improve their general operation on the job.
9. Be, in a sense, public health nurse and therefore, render services concerned with the same.
10. As needed, visit homes to render nursing service and instruct families in the care of their children and where there has been a proven incident of health difficulties in the family will make it a point to follow-up physicians instructions relating to the case, as brought to her attention.
11. Follow-up illness to insure that children who are well, return to school as soon as they become whole and healthy again.
12. Participate in program safeguarding the health of children under their care.
13. Assist in the preparation of special studies and in research programs to pinpoint areas of concern within the school and the system so that these areas might be focused upon and preventive or corrective action appropriate to the situation be taken.
14. Cooperate with the families, the school staff, community agencies and other medical personnel in order to arrange the care of these people and carry out any medical immunization programs.
15. Monitor other employees that dispense medication, and giving first aid. Provide inservice to these employees on a needed basis.