Works collaboratively with school office team to monitor student attendance in school and classes - and to devise systematic plans to reduce chronic absenteeism and increase school attendance
Oversees/supervises personnel when there are student detentions and assignment of students -Devises plans to help reduce student incidents and increase student opportunities to give back to the school community after incidents.
Works collaboratively with hall monitor paraeducators, building administrators, and School Resource Officers to assure building security.
Has experience completing investigations related to but not limited to: bullying, school climate, suicide prevention, non-discrimination, title IX sexual harassment, etc.
Coordinates with a Transportation company to devise alternative plans for students who are involved in incidences that impact the school bus.
Work with School counselors/Guidance to have a strong understanding and experience dealing with crisis situations that may include, but not limited to: Student Mental Health/ Self-harm/ Shared Services with Mental Health providers in and outside of the school/ Family counseling/ behavioral counseling for both general and special education students, etc.
Work with School counselors to build a strong command of all policies related to student discipline; school climate and bullying; non-discrimination; sexual harassment; restorative practices; Mckinney- Vento, etc.
Work with School counselors to show initiative when encouraging students and families to make plans for HS admissions. School counselors are expected to work collaboratively with MS and HS faculty/staff to plan and execute student/family experiences that may include, but not limited to; assemblies, information nights, home visits, school visits, special events, etc. to motivate, encourage, and help inform students and families of academic opportunities.
Work with School Counselors to build a deep understanding of student wellbeing and needs.
Aids in the supervision of student discipline in the cafeteria.
Works with teachers in all matters related to classroom discipline and student conduct.
Responsible for appropriate communication related to student discipline with all members of Middle School staff.
Other disciplinary matters which an administrator may assign.