Thank you for your interest in Restricted Substitute Teaching with South Coast ESD, Region #7 and the ten consoritum Districts within our area (Bandon, Central Curry, Myrtle Point, North Bend, Port Orford, Powers and Reedsport).
In order to become a Restricted Substitute Teacher for our region, candidates are asked to complete this electronic application and interview with District Representatives.
Per Teachers Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC), all Restricted Substitutes are required to submit a joint application with a District willing to sponsor the candidate in order to obtain licensure. You must first complete the above named process in order for the District to co-apply.
For adddiitonal information regarding Restricted Substitute Licensure, please visit the TSPC website at
Restricted Substitute Teaching License
(1) The Restricted Substitute Teaching License is a license that permits a qualified individual to substitute teach in Oregon public K-12 classrooms with the restriction that the individual must obtain and maintain district sponsorship.
(2) The Restricted Substitute Teaching License is valid for substitute teaching assignments as follows:
(a) The Restricted Substitute Teaching License is valid for substitute teaching in any Oregon K-12 classroom to replace a teacher who is temporarily unable to work;
(b) The Restricted Substitute Teaching License is valid for substitute assignments in any Oregon school district, including education service districts; and
(c) Any single assignment on the Restricted Substitute Teaching License may not exceed 10 days consecutively under any circumstances. [See subsection (6) below for further information.]
(3) The length of the term of the Restricted Substitute Teaching License is subject to the following:
(a) First Restricted Substitute Teaching License: The applicant and co-applicant district’s first Restricted Substitute Teaching License is valid through June 30 of the school year for which it is issued. For applications received after January 1, the first Restricted Substitute Teaching License may be issued through June 30 of the following school year at the request of the co-applicant district;
(b) The Restricted Substitute Teaching License may be renewed upon application from the applicant and co-applicant district. The renewed Restricted Substitute Teaching License is valid for three years. The license will expire on June 30 of the third academic year following the issuance of the license; and
(c) The Restricted Substitute Teaching License may be continuously renewed so long as the applicant maintains an active Restricted Substitute Teaching License with the original sponsoring district and meets the requirements of subsection (5) of this rule. If the renewed Restricted Substitute Teaching License expires or the applicant co-applies with a new district sponsor, the applicant will be issued a first Restricted Substitute Teaching License as provided in subsection 3(a) of this rule.
(4) To be eligible to apply for a Restricted Substitute Teaching License, an applicant must:
(a) Possess the personal qualifications for licensure including attainment of at least eighteen years of age and possessing good moral character and mental and physical health necessary for employment as an educator;
(b) Hold a bachelor's degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or an approved foreign equivalent. Awarding of a higher degree in the arts and sciences or an advanced degree in the professions from a regionally accredited institution in the United States validates a non-regionally accredited bachelor's degree for licensure;
(c) Pass all criminal and professional background checks pursuant to OAR 584-036-0062 Criminal Records and Professional Conduct Background Check;
(d) Obtain a passing score on a Commission-approved test of knowledge of U.S. and Oregon civil rights and professional ethics;
(e) Provide a complete and correct application to the Commission. A complete and correct application for a Restricted Substitute Teaching License must include:
(A) A letter from the co-applicant district stating the reasons for the license and specifying the school year(s) requested;
(B) Fingerprints in the manner prescribed unless the applicant has been fingerprinted and cleared by the Commission or has held an active license issued by the Commission in the past three years;
(C) Evidence of a passing score on a Commission-approved test of knowledge of U.S. and Oregon civil rights and professional ethics;
(D) Transcripts evidencing a bachelor’s degree or higher consistent with subsection (4)(b) of this rule; and
(E) Payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-036-0055.
(5) Renewal Requirements: To be eligible to apply for renewal of the Restricted Substitute Teaching License, an applicant must:
(a) Submit a letter from the district requesting renewal and affirming continued co-sponsorship of the license;
(b) Obtain passing score as currently specified by the Commission on a test of basic verbal and computational skills, unless the applicant has a master’s degree or higher; (First Renewal Only)
(c) Complete professional development units in accordance with OAR chapter 584, division 90; and
(d) Submit a complete and correct renewal application in the form and manner required by the Commission.
(6) Emergency Teaching License: A district and co-applicant educator may apply for an Emergency Teaching License with a substitute teaching endorsement for the holder of a Restricted Substitute Teaching License if the district is unable to obtain a regularly licensed teacher for any position lasting more than ten consecutive days or in cases in which the applicant has taken the test, but has not obtained a passing score on the Commission-approved civil rights and ethics test. The Executive Director may determine the term and approve the Emergency Teaching License if the district and co-applicant meet the requirements set forth in OAR 584-060-0210, Emergency Teaching License.
Daily Rate of Pay $206.40