
To establish a complete pre-employment file, please complete the online application. Your application will be retained in active status for one school year. 

The External Application is to be completed by new applicants, substitutes, and current employees applying for a different classification of position than they currently hold .

The Internal Application is to be completed by current district employees applying for the same classification of position that they currently hold.  Example: Certified position to certified postiion, or classified to classified.

For more information about becoming a Subsitute Teacher go to https://www.westada.org/page/substitutes. 
If you have any questions, please contact the Subsitute Placement Coordinator: 
Carolyn Olson at 208-350-5141, olson.carolyn@westada.org.


Need Help?

We're here to help! For questions regarding position qualifications or application procedures, please contact West Ada School District directly.

For technical questions regarding the Applicant Tracking system, please contact the Applicant Tracking help desk using the Request Technical Help link below.
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