Teaches skills, knowledge, and scientific attitudes through course in general science, earth sciences, biology, chemistry, physics, physiology, or science problems to secondary pupils, utilizing course of study adopted by the Board of Education and other appropriate learning activities.
Instructs pupils in citizenship and basic subject matter specified in state law and administrative regulations and procedures of the school district.
Plans a science program involving demonstrations, lectures, discussions, and student experiments; organizes laboratory activities for optimum learning.
Demonstrates scientific concepts by use of scientific apparatus, experiments, and standard or teacher-prepared charts, sketches, and other instructional aids.
Provides individual or small group instruction in order to adapt the curriculum to the needs of pupils and to accommodate circumstances where a variety of projects and experiments are being worked on simultaneously.
Instructs pupils in proper use, care, and safe handling of chemicals, science equipment, and plant and animal life.
Provides for safe storage and proper use of materials, equipment, and tools. Makes minor adjustments and requests repairs to equipment as required.
Establishes and maintains standards of pupil behavior for a productive learning environment during class sessions, laboratory sessions, and field trips.
Evaluates each pupil’s growth in knowledge, skills, and scientific attitudes in course being taught.
Selects and requests books, instructional aids, science equipment, chemical, and supplies, and maintains inventory records as required.
Maintains professional competence through in-service education activities provided by the district, and/or in self-selected professional growth activities.
Identifies pupil needs and cooperates with other professional staff members in helping pupils solve health, attitude, and learning problems.
Participates in curriculum and other developmental programs.
Assists pupils in selection and development of individual research projects.
Cooperates with school administration in providing science displays and programs for the school and community, and in sponsoring science activities.
Communicates with parents and school counselors on pupil progress.
Supervises pupils in out-of-classroom activities during the assigned work day.
Participates in faculty committees and sponsorship of student activities.
Participates cooperatively with the appropriate administrator to develop the method by which he/she will be evaluated in conformance with district guidelines.
Performs other duties as many, from time to time be assigned by the supervisor.