Possesses knowledge of district policies and regulations relating to areas of responsibility.
Has experience and knowledge of best curriculum practices for respective grade levels in the school.
Supports progressive education ideals and practices in conjunction with 21st Century learning principles.
Demonstrates commitment to student achievement, school improvement, and professional development.
Develops and implements activities that encourage students to be lifelong learners.
Establishes and promotes high standards and expectations for all students and staff for academic performance and responsibility for behavior.
Organizes, manages, evaluates, and supervises effective and clear procedures for the operation and functioning of the entire school consistent with the philosophy, mission, values, and goals of the school and district, including instructional programs in the Core Curriculum Content Standards, extracurricular activities, discipline systems to ensure a safe and orderly climate, financial management, facilities maintenance, program evaluation, personnel management, office operations, emergency procedures, and community relations.
Assesses and addresses organizational culture in accordance with the district leadership team.
Works with the school staff and school community to create a positive context for learning by ensuring equity, fulfilling professional responsibilities with honesty and integrity, and serving as a role model for the professional behavior of others.
Ensures compliance with all laws, administrative codes, Board policies, and regulations.
Collects and analyzes data regarding the needs and achievement of students, including State assessments and other pertinent information affecting the design and implementation of services and programs, using the information to recommend new programs and modifications to existing programs.
Establishes the master schedule for instructional programs, ensuring sequential learning experiences for students that meet and exceed the State Core Curriculum Content Standards.
Supervises the instructional programs of the school and observes instruction on a regular basis to encourage the use of a variety of instructional strategies and materials consistent with research on learning and child growth and development.
Ensures that the instructional programs engage the learner in tasks that require analytical and critical thinking, questioning the known, problem-solving, and creativity, that they address the range of skills and developmental needs found in the classroom, that they encourage the student to define individual goals and accept responsibility for learning, and that they provide a variety of methods for the student to demonstrate performance and achievement.
Provides and supervises in a fair and consistent manner effective discipline and attendance systems with high standards, consistent with the philosophy, values, and mission of the school and district, in accordance with due process and other laws and regulations, ensuring a safe, orderly environment that encourages students to take responsibility for behavior and creates high morale among staff and students. Incorporate procedures for the early identification of potentially disruptive students and the conditions that create or enhance unacceptable behavior (e.g., bullying), and implement programs to address such conditions. Document all instances of student discipline, violence, vandalism, and attendance matters.
Establishes a professional rapport with students and staff based on mutual respect.
Displays the highest ethical and professional behavior and standards when working with students, parents, school personnel, and agencies associated with the school.
Serves as a role model for students, demonstrating the importance and relevance of learning, accepting responsibility, and demonstrating pride in the education profession.
Notifies immediately appropriate personnel and agencies and follows established procedures when there is evidence of substance abuse, child abuse, child neglect, severe medical or social conditions, potential suicide, or individuals appearing to be under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, or anabolic steroids.
Supervises all personnel assigned to the building, establishing clear expectations for roles, responsibilities, and performance to ensure that all job responsibilities are met and exceeded.
Ensures that evaluation procedures are completed in a fair and consistent manner that encourages accountability, growth, and excellence in accordance with law, Board policy, administrative procedure, and contractual requirements.
Recommends personnel to fill all vacant positions in the school, following district recruitment and selection procedures.
Organizes and nurtures an effective leadership team of assistants and supervisors with clear expectations for roles, responsibilities, and performance, holding each individual accountable for the area of assignment.
Provides opportunities for effective staff development that address the needs of the instructional program and the needs of the staff, including workshops, conferences, visitations, and sessions in which the staff shares successful practices and strategies.
Keeps the staff informed and seeks ideas for the improvement of the school. Conduct meetings as necessary for the proper functioning of the school.
Ensures an effective accounting and inventory system for all school supplies, materials, and equipment.
Regularly inspect all facilities to ensure compliance with all applicable codes and regulations, including access for individuals with handicapping conditions.
Assumes responsibility for the health, safety, and welfare of students, personnel, and visitors. Develops clearly understood procedures and provides regular drills for emergencies and disasters, following State, local, and district guidelines.
Disaster preparedness procedures shall include fire, bomb threats, severe weather, emergency closing or delayed opening of the school, accidents, bus accidents and traffic emergencies, civil disturbances, disruptions, death, personal tragedy, and other unusual circumstances.
Provides information to staff, students, and parents as necessary and establishes and follows procedures for dealing with the media.
Implements schedules and procedures for the supervision of students in non-classroom areas, including before and after school, traffic coordination, bus loading and unloading, and cafeteria.
Maintains visibility with students, staff, parents, and the community, attending school and community functions regularly to demonstrate a genuine interest in the students and staff.
Organizes and maintains a public relations system for the school that consistently celebrates and informs parents and the community of the accomplishments of students and staff. The information provided should solicit community and parental support and understanding of the programs and services of the school.
Communicates regularly with parents, seeking their support and advice so as to create a cooperative relationship to support students in the school.
Encourages and works with an active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) that supports the efforts of the school.
Maintains effective communications with agencies and resources outside of the school.
Uses effective presentation skills when addressing students, staff, parents, and the community, including appropriate vocabulary and examples, clear and legible visuals, and articulate and audible speech.
Uses excellent written and oral English skills when communicating with students, parents, and colleagues.
Completes in a timely fashion all records and reports as required by law and regulation or requested by the Superintendent or designee.
Maintains and accounts for all student activity funds and money collected from students in accordance with district policy and auditing recommendations. Correct any audit exceptions immediately.
Communicate with the Superintendent or designee regularly about the needs, successes, and general operation of the school.
Ensures that personnel and student record-keeping procedures comply with State and federal law and district policy. Implement procedures for safe storing and integrity of all public and confidential school records.
Continues to grow professionally through collaboration with colleagues and professional growth experiences.
Summarizes, interprets, and disseminates current developments in learning theory and research, instructional strategies, and classroom management through reading professional journals, participation in professional development, and involvement in professional organizations.
Protects confidentiality of records and information gained as part of exercising professional duties and uses discretion in sharing such information within legal confines.
Contributes to an effective, comprehensive, district-wide integrated educational and student development program by directing the development and effective implementation of applicable program elements at the elementary level and ensuring a fluid experience for students and parents throughout their varied transitions.
Coordinates with building/district leadership and case managers to determine who will serve as the district LEA representative at IEP meetings.
Serves as a resource for all federal and state regulations regarding student records and Special Education rights.
Ensures that scheduling, facilitating, and maintaining all necessary documents of meetings at the building level occurs, including, but not limited to, such activities as Child Find and implementation of required services.
Oversees the maintenance, scheduling, and completion of paperwork for all evaluations, IEPs, and 504 Plans according to mandated timelines.
Identifies needs and provides appropriate in-services at the building level to assistants and staff.
Promotes and facilitates positive problem-solving skills in staff and parental meetings.
Maintains accurate service delivery records and submits reports in a timely manner. Attends meetings of home school students in programs outside of the district as deemed necessary.
Supports the systematic implementation of program planning, budgeting, evaluation, record keeping, and internal controls for financial and property accounting by being informed and directing others in the system’s procedures. Prepares the school’s budget by monitoring the expenditure of funds allocated to the school and making decisions regarding the reallocation of school funds within district guidelines.
Completes compliance trainings as required by the district.
Responds to all correspondence in a timely manner, generally within 24 hours on days of operation.
- Performs any duties that are within the scope of employment and licensure, as assigned by the Superintendent and not otherwise prohibited by law or regulation.