
The Danbury Public Schools is committed to recruiting, hiring and supporting the most dedicated and qualified education employees.  The District strictly adheres to an online application process for all candidates.  For your application to be considered, please only apply for jobs for which you meet the minimum qualifications, including required certifications.  If you are currently enrolled in a certification program, your application may be considered if you expect to complete certification in the near future. 

If your experience and qualifictions match our needs, you may be contacted for an interview.  To establish a complete pre-employment file, please complete the online application. Your application will be retained in active status for one school year. 

***Internal applications are to be used by current District employees when applying to a position within the same union or for current employees applying for additional/different assignments. 

The Danbury Board of Education is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Employer, Federal and/or state antidiscrimination laws and the policy of the Danbury Board of Education prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, military or veteran status, or physical or mental disability or any other basis prohibited by law.

Equal opportunity guarantees every person the right to be considered on the basis of ability to satisfactorily perform the job, and to be treated fairly and equitably in assessing job performance. Affirmative action refers to special efforts to increase at every level of the work force the representation of African Americans, Asians, Native American Indians, Hispanics and women.


Need Help?

We're here to help! For questions regarding position qualifications or application procedures, please contact Danbury Public Schools directly.

For technical questions regarding the Applicant Tracking system, please contact the Applicant Tracking help desk using the Request Technical Help link below.
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