
The Webster City Community School District, in partnership with families and community, will provide a quality education in a safe environment for all students.
  • Focused, Viable, Relevant, Rigorous, Consistent Curriculum
  • Consistency in Curriculum & Instruction
  • Equity for All Students
  • Use of Research and Best Practice
  • Consistency in Grading & Assessment

To establish a complete pre-employment file, please complete the online application. Your application will be retained in active status for one school year. If your qualifications meet our needs, we will contact you for further information and a possible interview.

All employers submitting a job opening for a posting will not discriminate in hiring on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, marital status, or status as a veteran. A bona fide religious institution may choose to exercise the allowances in Iowa Code section 216.6.(6)d. Employers may have additional developed specific equal employment opportunity policies and procedures; please check with employers.


Need Help?

We're here to help! For questions regarding position qualifications or application procedures, please contact Webster City Community School District directly.

For technical questions regarding the Applicant Tracking system, please contact the Applicant Tracking help desk using the Request Technical Help link below.
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