Applicant System Change Notifcation
Beginning 07/01/2023 the Special School District has switched from the Frontline Applitrack online application system to the TalentEd Applicant tracking system.
Use this job posting to access your prior application information and attachments and save them by going through the application process here. Then, please login to our new TalentEd Applicant Tracking System and complete a new application in that system.
Information will not be transferred from this current system to the new system in any way. In order to be considered for future job postings in the district, you will need to complete a new online application in the TalentEd Applicant Tracking System.
You may still be contacted for positions you have applied for in this older version of the system prior to 06/30/2023. This could happen until September 30th, 2023 when access to this system is expected to end for us.