Organize classroom rosters of summer school classes aligned with classrooms approved by the principal of the summer school site
Reserve PreK rooms for the PreK staff and students
Review PreK protocols for arrival and dismissal of PreK students
Plan and coordinate day(s) before the start of the summer school program to allow teachers to set up their classrooms
Establish and maintain a summer school office
Establish and manage summer school clerk’s responsibilities
Be present before and after summer school session to ensure the safety of all summer school students and summer school staff to include transportation issues, parent/caregiver pick-up and sign-out
Establish arrival and dismissal procedures for the safety and welfare of summer school students
Coordinate breakfast and lunch waves and establish routines and procedures to facilitate transitions with minimum loss of instructional time
Coordinate times for outside program partnerships (e.g., Little Scientists, etc …)
Manage attendance of summer school students
Manage attendance of summer school staff (sign-in/sign-out)
Distribute, collect, and manage timesheets for all summer school staff according to pay schedule
Send out Emergency forms to all summer school students’ parents/caregivers and establish a return procedure
Create and maintain state-mandated summer school binder to include all student applications, correspondence to parents/caregivers, staff, policies and procedures, emergency information for summer school students and staff, attendance, pre-and post- testing results, student work samples, Open House schedule
Establish protocol and handle all student disciplinary incidents accordingly
Monitor fidelity to summer school curriculum by conducting classroom walk-throughs and establish a line of communication with Curriculum Instructional Lead to address any teacher/paraprofessional/student worker needs
Responsible for all summer school supplies and materials and fill any requests as needed
Plan and implement a parent/caregiver Open House with emphasis on student work and student progress
Inventory, collect, and organize all summer school curriculum materials according to Literacy and Math checklists at program end
Prepare pallets for material pick-up from summer school site
Submit all completed binders to Summer School Coordinator and Keisha Hannans and Dr. Negron.