School Secretary
Lincoln Elementary (K-2)
PRIMARY FUNCTION: To provide direct support to the students, staff and to increase and facilitate effectiveness in serving the students and community of the Hanover Community School Corporation.
- Greet and direct parents/visitors/students. Answer phones in main office. Responsible for creating and maintaining a warm, inviting and welcoming environment in the school office and the school in general while implementing building protocol.
- Responsible for making sure that U.S. mail, interoffice mail, and approved communications are sorted and delivered.
- Responsible to oversee issuance of tardy slips, bus passes, pick-up notes, and other activities related to attendance, as needed.
- Provide necessary information including, but not limited to, class lists to teachers, supply lists to students and local retailers, and weekly student count to Central Office.
- Prepare the annual bulk orders for all teachers, custodial supplies, etc.
- Expedite all orders and authorize receipt of merchandise for payment.
- Monitor usage and order all toner, inkjet cartridges, hands on fees supplies and other supplies for the staff.
- Order and distribute all textbooks and workbooks.
- Maintain updated data for state reports. Ensure that students have identification numbers and all data reports are submitted in a timely manner.
- Print report cards and progress reports.
- Maintain permanent cumulative and confidential student files. Enroll new students, request records, and send files of students who move to other schools, when requested.
- Schedule all student and staff pictures and provide photographer with a spreadsheet with student names and identification numbers. Coordinate retake day.
- Distribute and collect school forms including, but not limited to, Internet Use and volunteer Background Check forms.
- Type miscellaneous correspondence for the principal.
- Schedule meetings for the building principal or others, as requested, as well as building presentations for our students (ie; the fire departments, police, libraries, and PTO sponsored assemblies).
- Schedule all building usage applications. Coordinate building usage applications for academic and community based programs such as scout organizations, athletic teams, PTO sponsored events, spellbowl, mathbowl, scholastic book fair, etc. Facilitate scheduling and updating of Building Activities Calendar.
- Post all school board meetings, job postings, and announcements.
- Responsible for maintenance needs of building equipment repair - phone, printer, walkie-talkies, security monitors, fax, copiers.
- Perform back up nurse and bookkeeper duties.
High School Diploma or GED. Operational knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet, financial and student data programs, typing skills (50 words per minute minimum), organizational and time management skills and professional telephone and public relations skills.
Contract Days: 203 days
Salary: Dependent on Education and Experience
Application Submission: Apply online at