To establish a complete pre-employment file, please complete the online application.
To be considered for an interview, each candidate must submit all of the following documents:
1. a completed online application;
2. a cover letter;
3. a resume (with a list of references);
4. letters of recommendation;
5. transcript(s) (copies accepted); and
All documents must be submitted electronically at the end of the application.
Out-of-state candidates are responsible for obtaining Illinois certification. To apply for an Illinois certificate, you may contact the West 40 Intermediate Service Center at www.west40.org.
A successful candidate will be invited for an interview if all supporting documents are available for review by division/district administration. At the time of the interview, each candidate will be required to complete a writing assessment.
Application materials will be retained in active status for 24 months. If a candidate's qualifications meet District needs, we will contact him/her for further information and possible interviews.