Openings as of 3/13/2025
The Peotone Ag Ed Program currently has about 200 students enrolled. The program has had growing success in the past few years getting recognized at the state and national levels. It has a supportive administration, board of education, alumni, and community partners.
Current courses offered at PHS are Introduction to Agriculture & Foods, Farm to Fork 1, Farm to Fork 2, Global Foods & Ag: Developed Countries, Global Foods & Ag: Developing Countries, Animal Science, Vet Science, Horticulture, Plant and Crop Science, Ag Business, Ag Mechanics & Technology, Ag Communications, and Ag Construction - Textiles. In the 2025-2026 school year, Ag Engineering, Independent Ag Education Study, and Work Based Learning will be offered as new courses at the High School, while 7th Grade Exploratory Ag & 8th Grade Discovery Ag will be added at the Junior High School. Courses to be taught will be discussed with the applicants and current teachers over strengths and weaknesses with goals of the future of the program in mind. With an array of classes offered, this position can be perfect for any agricultural educator, no matter what their curriculum strengths are.
The Ag Department currently has 2 classrooms, a 6 kitchen lab space, small mechanics shop, sewing room, and a greenhouse. There are also early stage plans of building a new greenhouse at the high school in the next year or so. An additional classroom space will be added at the Junior High for the growth of the program into that building.