To start an application, select the job posting under “Vacancies” you are interested in and click the RED apply button to open the correct application. Please do not start an application from the main page. To apply for an INTERNAL position, you MUST be an employee of the district and have a Webster CSD email address to apply.

Only use the INTERNAL applicant link if you are a current employee (with a WCSD email) and it is a similar position to the one you have now. Substitutes are not considered district employees and must complete an EXTERNAL application.

The EXTERNAL application should be used in all other instances. For example, if you are a student aide and would like to apply for a teaching assistant position, you would use the external application in order to upload new documents.

High School and college students are required to use a personal email address, not their school email addresses, to ensure future access to their application.

For assistance with logging in to a previous application, completing an application, or questions about job postings, please contact Heather Reinke, at heather_reinke@webstercsd.org or (585) 216-0021.

Please send confidential credential files and transcripts to Dr. Amanda Bayer at amanda_bayer@webstercsd.org

For questions about student teacher procedures or any of our per diem substitute positions, please email Kelly Bilow at kelly_bilow@webstercsd.org or (585) 216-0014. 

Those with existing applications, please review your application, as many of our application pages have been updated.
Your application will be retained in active status for one school year. If your qualifications meet our needs, we will contact you for further information and a possible interview.

Need Help?

We're here to help! For questions regarding position qualifications or application procedures, please contact Webster Central School District directly.

For technical questions regarding the Applicant Tracking system, please contact the Applicant Tracking help desk using the Request Technical Help link below.
Request Technical Help