function centerWin(zwidth,zheight){
var winHeight
var winWidth
winHeight = screen.availHeight
winWidth = screen.width
if (zwidth > winWidth){zwidth=winWidth}
if (zheight > winHeight){zheight=winHeight}
zleft = parseInt((winWidth/2)-(zwidth/2))
if (zleft < 10){zleft = 0}
ztop = parseInt((winHeight/2)-(zheight/2))
if (ztop < 25){ztop = 0}
var x = "width=" + zwidth + ",height=" + zheight + ",left=" + zleft + ",top=" + ztop
return x
var winwcps
function openAppWindow(URL){
winwcps ="" + URL,"winwcps","location=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes," + centerWin(920,650))
window.onfocus = checkBlur
AlreadyWarnedAboutBlur = false
FirstTimeThroughFunction = true
var AlreadyWarnedAboutBlur = false
var FirstTimeThroughFunction = true
var winisopen = false
function checkBlur(){
if (FirstTimeThroughFunction){
FirstTimeThroughFunction = false
winisopen = true
if (AlreadyWarnedAboutBlur == false){
try {
if (winwcps.closed) winisopen = false
}catch(e) {
winisopen = false
if (winisopen){
if ( confirm("Note: You clicked outside of the application window.\n\nClick Cancel to discard this note and proceed with the current window/website.\n\nClick OK to go back to your application.")){
setTimeout("FirstTimeThroughFunction = true",100)
AlreadyWarnedAboutBlur = true
if (navigator.appVersion >= "4"){
if (typeof VacanciesAreOnThisPage == "undefined") document.write('
document.write('Notice: The online application takes advantage of many new internet features such as allowing you to print your application or finish over time. To continue you must have a version 4 or greater browser. ')
document.write("We have detected that you are using version " + navigator.appVersion )
document.write(' You can download a new version for free from Please return after you have upgraded your browser to a compliant version.')
Note: Only currently contracted WCPS teachers may apply for internal teaching vacancies. Any applicant who is not a currently contracted teacher with WCPS must apply for teaching positions as an external applicant for external vacancies.