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Openings as of 1/14/2025

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Openings as of 1/14/2025

    School Guidance Counselor Long-term Substitute JobID: 511
  • Position Type:
      Substituting/Long Term Substitute

  • Date Posted:

  • Location:
      Upper Adams Intermediate School

  • Date Available:

  • Closing Date:
      When position is filled

  •   This position is long-term beginning on or around April 28, 2025 through February 5, 2026

    $150.00 per day after 20 days of employment in position ($125.00 per day for first 20 days, on 21st day, pay is reatroactive to the first day of teaching at the $150.00 rate)

    PA Certification for School Guidance Counselor.
    All applicants will apply with, and become an employee of Kelly Education Services (third party administrator for UASD substitutes).  

    Policy Statement:
                The Elementary Guidance Counselor is a professional member of the staff who provides support to the administration, teachers, and students in a variety of ways.  This person must have a broad background in child development, diagnostic testing, child psychology and counseling as well as general knowledge of the overall educational program.
    Duties and Responsibilities with:
          A. Pupils
                1.     Provide individual counseling services to the pupil in relation to
                       his school experience, progress in learning, and interactions with
                       his environment.
                2.     Provide group counseling to small groups of pupils with common
                       needs or problems.
                3.     Provide guidance and counseling services consonant with pupil
                       needs and development.
                4.     Provide guidance and counseling services which minimize crisis
                       points in the child's educational sequence.
                5.     Provide counseling services to those pupils who are temporarily
                       incapacitated by periods of serious emotional stress.
                6.     Provide support to the principal, as needed, for standardized testing.
                7.     Administer screening tests for placement into the Gifted Program and
                       interpret test results to children.
                8.     Serve as a student advocate both within the school environment and
                       the outside community.
                9.     Coordinate and guide students and parents to appropriate social and
                       counseling services.
                10.   Participate as needed in multi-disciplinary team meetings to insure
                       that the student is provided a proper educational program within an
                       appropriate learning environment.
          B.   Teachers
                1.     Provide continuing help to teachers as they seek to meet the needs
                       of all children.  This could include help to the teacher in his
                       individual contact with pupils, sharing knowledge of child
                       development, interpreting test results, assessing the individual
                       child's potential and achievement, and assisting in individualizing
                       educational programs.
                2.     Initiate, coordinate, and participate with teachers in conferences
                       for parents.
                3.     Assist teachers with the effective use and interpretation of pupil
                       records and test results.
                4.     Serve as referral agent or as consultant to the staff members in
                       effecting proper referral of children with problems beyond the
                       scope of the school.
                5.     Provide consultative services to teachers which will facilitate an
                       optimum learning environment  for pupils.
                6.     Work with staff concerning promotion-retention of pupils and
                       placement in special schools or classes when necessary.
                7.     Help teachers plan classroom strategies to assist children who are
                       having specific difficulties or need alternative learning styles.
                8.     Assist the classroom teacher in determining the proper placement                                                                for children who are/can be mainstreamed into the regular                                                                            classroom.
                9.     Aid the teacher in developing behavior modification programs for
                       students having discipline problems.
                10.   Work with individuals within the classroom who need special
                       attention and tend to dominate the regular and special teacher's
                11.   Work with the teaching staff on an as-needed basis to provide
                       everyday "in-service" for our professional staff.
                12.   Serve as a resource person for building self-esteem within the
                       classroom and school.
          C.   Administrators
                1.     Consult in the selection and use of gifted screening tests and the
                       interpretation of test results.
                2.     Develop, maintain, and update the elementary guidance curriculum.
                3.     Serve as a resource person in cooperation with other staff members
                       in the organization of a guidance program that is continuous
                       throughout the school system, and is integrated with a program of
                       pupil-personnel services.
                4.     Share with administrators the information about incipient or
                       potential social and emotional problems.
                5.     Assist in a continual evaluation of the elementary guidance
                       program including follow-up of students as they make the
                       transition to the secondary level.
                6.     Coordinate the articulation of pupils from the elementary to the
                       secondary schools.
                7.     Assist in the development of alternative approaches in discipline and
                       behavior modification.
                8.     Participate on I.S.T and RTIi teams as deemed appropriate by the
                9.     Serve as a resource person who can coordinate and work with the
                       various social, counseling, and mental health agencies to insure
                       a continuous program for all students K-12.
                11.   Help communication between home and school to insure that the
                       overall process from identification to graduation is coordinated.
                12.   Assist the administration in gathering data and making decisions
                       about special education.
                15.   Assist the Special Education Advisory Council member and the
                       district superintendent in the coordination of the special education
          D.   Pupil Personnel Services
                1.     Work cooperatively with all other school personnel for the most
                       effective personal growth and development of students.
          E.   Parents
                1.     Provide individual counseling to the parent in relation to the
                       pupil's school experience and factors related to his academic
                2.     Provide information about available guidance and counseling
                       services and community resources.
                3.     Provide information and orientation to parents concerning
                       future educational alternatives which are available for pupils.
                4.     Interpret test results to parents.
          F.   Community
                1.     Work cooperatively with representatives of community services in
                       the pupil's behalf.
                2.     Assist the school staff in interpreting the school program in the
          Supervision Received and Exercised:
    He/she is directly responsible to the building principal.
                The elementary guidance counselor shall establish lines of communication and cooperation with the following personnel:
                1.     Central Office
                2.     Building Principals
                3.     Professional Staff
                4.     Students
                5.     Parents
                6.     Community
                7.     Outside Agencies

Postings current as of 1/14/2025 10:43:27 PM CST.

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