Welcome to Mother McAuley's employment opportunities!
Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School, sponsored by the Mercy Education System of the Americas, is a Catholic college preparatory, all-girls high school, located on the southwest side of Chicago. With a balanced vision of academic excellence, cultural wealth in the liberal arts, athletic achievement, and a strong spiritual life, Mother McAuley is a place young women grow as compassionate, responsible, and productive Christian leaders. It is through our innovative liberal arts and college-preparatory program that students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they will need to meet the demands of a fast-changing world as decision makers and leaders guided by strong Mercy values. As such, we seek professionals who are committed and capable to fulfill this incredible mission.
To establish a complete pre-employment file, please complete the online application. Your application will be retained in active status for one school year. If your qualifications meet our needs, we will contact you for further information and a possible interview.
Thank you for your interest in Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School.