Reserve Immersion Teacher Description:
Minnetonka Public Schools is accepting applications for Chinese Immersion reserve teachers for the 2024-2025 school year. Individuals must hold a valid Minnesota Teacher License. We are actively reviewing applications as they are submitted. There is a fluency assessment provided by Minnetonka Public Schools.
Candidates must be fluent in Mandarin Chinese and have a Minnesota teaching license or a Short Call license. If you do not hold a Minnesota teacher license but have a Bachelor's degree, see below. These job opportunities will not only cover our substitute needs but will also help build our applicant pool for next year's Immersion openings as the programs expand. Listed below is the range of reserve/substitute teacher pay rates:
Teacher Sub Pay Rates:
$160 for a full day
$112 for a half day (4 hours or less)
Please click here to view reserve pay rates.
Not benefit eligible.
Applicants who do not hold a teaching license:
If you do not hold a Minnesota Teacher License but have a Bachelor's degree you may apply for a Short Call Substitute teacher license through the Minnesota Professional Educators Licensing and Standards Board:
Application Procedure:
Please submit with your online application a resume, 2 letters of professional recommendation, and Minnesota Teacher License information (if you hold a license). Also, include in the references section of your application the email addresses for at least two current or recent supervisory references.
Hiring Administrator:
Sucheta Mahankali, Human Resource Specialist