Openings as of 3/13/2025

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All Types » Jr/Sr High School Administration (1 opening)

Openings as of 3/13/2025
Jr/Sr High School Administration

    Dean of Students (TOSA) (2025-2026 School Year) JobID: 1167
  • Position Type:
      Jr/Sr High School Administration/Assistant Principal

  • Date Posted:

  • Location:
      Florence Jr/Sr High School


    Florence Jr/Sr High School - Dean of Students (TOSA) 7th-12th Grades 


    Florence Jr/Sr high school is seeking a Dean of Students who can provide a valuable contribution to the junior senior high school.  The Jr/Sr high school is located on Highway 50 in Fremont County, a short distance from the communities of Canon City, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo.  The school enrollment is 594 students grades 7 through 12.  Fremont Re-2 school district values low class size and strong academic, athletics and activities, and career and technical education programming.

    The Dean of Students position we are seeking will be responsible for providing assistance to the Principal and Assistant Principals. maintains, organizes, and administers the overall maintenance of safety,  discipline, and attendance within the school




    Primary Responsibilities: 

    • Shares with principal(s) the responsibility for protecting health and welfare of students

    • Assists students in establishing high FJSHS standards of conduct

    • Enforces the District’s Student Code of Conduct

    • Properly addresses the improvement of student attendance and discipline

    • Reports illegal acts to the proper authorities

    • Confers with students and parents on discipline matters 

    • Assists in developing and administering practices dealing with campus control and security

    • Patrols internal and external areas of the building

    • Investigates and resolves all discipline problems in a fair and just manner.

    • Assist in developing “pass” systems and hallway monitoring


    Discipline Duties: 

    • Investigates student complaints and grievances. 

    • Interviews students and witnesses in disciplinary investigations

    • Investigate, adjudicate, and monitor minor infractions of the school code in the form of progressive discipline such as detentions, classroom referrals, Friday school, and in-school suspension 

    • Suspends students from school in accordance with Board policy and CO Revised Statute

    • Re-enters students upon completion of out-of-school suspensions, facilitates student/teacher reentry meetings, and provides support to resolve student conflicts

    • Maintains disciplinary records required by policy, regulation, law or good practice

    • Presents the school’s case in due process proceedings for suspension and expulsion

    • Explore and lead evidence and research based practices to help enhance discipline processes in the building


    Attendance Duties:

    • Oversees student attendance in accordance with the Compulsory Attendance Laws

    • Communicates with parents, teachers and administrative team on student attendance.

    • Investigates attendance issues

    • Assigns students appropriate consequences for truancy

    • Decides if absences are excusable under state law and board policy

    • Advises students and parents on ways to improve attendance

    • Oversees student attendance record to ensure all absences are adjudicated

    • Compares information or data with other records for verification

    • Presents school’s case to the County’s Truancy Review Board


    Supportive Job Responsibilities: 

    • Support of Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) 

    • Demonstrating successful experience with a Standards Based Instruction System (SBIS) and 

    • Demonstrating understanding and knowledge of the requirements under the CDE and key legislation within CO, such as SB163, SB191, SB212. An understanding and knowledge of Federal laws related to Special Education, and 504s under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

    • Demonstrating an understanding of technology integration to drive an increase in student achievement

    • Familiar with Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

    • Support of Homegrown Talent Initiative (HTI)

    • Supervision and evaluation of staff

    • Other duties as assigned





    • Valid Colorado Principal License or eligible to obtain license

    • District is willing to consider applicants currently enrolled in an approved Colorado Administrator Licensing Program 

    • Three to 5 years successful teaching experience at the secondary level



    • Previous experience as an assistant principal 

    • Knowledge and experience in working with Colorado content standards and assessments

    • Knowledge and experience in student behavioral laws and effective intervention strategies

    • Demonstrated and successful background in student management

    • Strong organizational skills

    • Excellent written and oral communication skills

    • Utilize spreadsheets and other data collection tools

    • Must be effective in working with community members and school activities

    • Strong personal skills, staff supervision and evaluation

    • Maintain positive working relationship with students, staff, administrators, and parents

    • Successful completion of all mandated criminal background screenings and fingerprinting required



    • 169 Day School Year - TOSA (Teacher calendar + 8 days) 

    • 4 Day School Week 

    • Salary according to District Approved Salary Schedule -- Certified Teacher

    • District will accept up to twenty (20) years of experience for a fully licensed Colorado teacher 

    • District contribution toward benefit package valued at $4,944 annually to include Health, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance

    • Leave days according to District Policy


    Fremont RE-2 School District does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, religion or need for special education services, access to, treatment or employment in its educational programs or activities.  Additionally, a lack of English language skills is not a barrier to admission or participation in activities. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Dr. William Wilson, Superintendent, and EEO/Affirmative Action/Title IX/Section 504 Compliance Officer for complaints involving employees, and Jason Cellan, Title IX Compliance Officer for complaints involving students.  Both individuals can be located at 403 W. 5th Street, Florence, Colorado, 81226. (719) 784-6312.  Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public. (Policy AC, AC-R, AC-E-1, AC-E-2)

Postings current as of 3/13/2025 8:25:13 PM CST.

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