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Openings as of 3/26/2025

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Openings as of 3/26/2025

    Instructional Tutor (School Year 2024-2025) JobID: 6618
  • Position Type:
      Tutors/Instructional Tutor

  • Date Posted:

  • Location:
      Fine Arts Department

  • Date Available:


    REPORTS TO:  Director of Fine Arts & Program Director      DATE REVISED:  MAY 29, 2024




    LENGTH OF WORK YEAR:  Part-time                   PAY GRADE:   N/A     




    WAGE/HOUR STATUS:  Non-Exempt                   SALARY RANGE:     Bi-Weekly, Non-degreed $10 per
                                                                                    hr. & degreed (Bachelor’s) $30 per hr. as part-time
                                                                                    employees; Additional hrs. must be requested in
                                                                                    writing and approved by the Director of Finance

    To provide individual/ensemble instructional services in the area of the performing arts. Services 
    are provided during the instructional day and/or during after school rehearsals (as needed).

    Current University enrollment/Exemplary GPA or extensive experience in the related field High 
    School Graduate
    Accelerated knowledge and skills in tutoring subject area College Readiness Skills
    Interpersonal relationship skills

    •  Plan with program director to develop a weekly schedule and plan instructional weekly goals for 
    each student receiving tutorial services.
    •  Collaborate with assigned teacher(s) to provide academic Support in the specific area of 
    employment (music dance, theatre, band orchestra, mariachi guitar, choir, dance)
    •  Attend meetings and training sessions as directed by program director.
    •  Responsible for clocking in and out on a daily basis.

    1. Complete online application.
    2. Application Requirements Include Providing the following:
    a. Updated resume
    b. If a college student or college graduate, attach a copy of most recent transcript (unofficial).
    c. Valid driver’s license or Texas ID
    d. Social security card (signed)
    e. Current university class schedule (if currently attending a university)
    f.  Direct Deposit Authorization Form from bank or voided check
    Checking/Savings Account must be under Applicant’s Name
    g. First two week of work schedule with recommending directors’ signature.
    h. Indicate on the application the name of director(s) and department applying to provide service.

    •  Trips and events (football games, contest, concerts, community events, etc.) outside the 
    classroom environment do not qualify as instructional time and will be in the capacity as a 
    volunteer only. These hours are not subject for compensation.

    •  Varies According to the program. (Determined by the Fine Arts Director).

    •  The first day of employment for part-time instructional tutors is September 1, 2024. Last day 
    of employment of part-time Fine Arts Instructional Tutors is until funding is no longer available.

    The foregoing statements describe the general purpose and responsibilities assigned to this job and are not an exhaustive list of all responsibilities and duties that may be assigned or skills that may be required.


    Nondiscrimination Statement


    Edinburg CISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the
    nondiscrimination policies: Title IX issues: Robert Vina, r.vina@ecisd.us ,Coordinator of Personnel/Legal Issues, ADA/504 issues: Sofia Hinojosa, sofia.hinojosa@ecisd.us , Director of Student & Social Services, 411 N. 8th Avenue, Edinburg, TX 78539, (956) 289-2300.
    Edinburg CISD no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad o edad en sus programas o actividades y brinda igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados. La siguiente persona ha sido designada para manejar consultas sobre las
    políticas de no discriminación Title IX issues: Robert Vina, r.vina@ecisd.us ,Coordinator of Personnel/Legal Issues, ADA/504 issues: Sofia Hinojosa, sofia.hinojosa@ecisd.us , Director of Student & Social Services, 411 N. 8th Avenue, Edinburg, TX 78539, (956) 289-2300.





Postings current as of 3/26/2025 6:17:12 PM CST.

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