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Openings as of 3/13/2025

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Openings as of 3/13/2025

    (.5) Counselor / (.5) Work Based Learning Coordinator JobID: 11413
  • Position Type:
      Counseling/School Counselor

  • Date Posted:

  • Location:
      Career Center

  • Closing Date:
      3/17 or open until filled

  •   Description:
    (Half-time) High School Counselor / (Half-time) Work Based Learning Coordinator 

    Job Summary:
    High School Counselor:

    Operating under the general direction of the assigned building leader and the Coordinator of School Counselors this position functions as a District representative working to empower all students to acquire academic, social/emotional, and career competencies within the D51 Teaching and Learning Framework.

    Direct Services
    • Instruction – High School levels begin with teaching a school counseling curriculum to help students evaluate the strengths, skills and abilities.  The Counselor continues to nurture cultural and social awareness for high school students’ providing advisement on the use of technology as a tool to further their academic and career goals but also in understanding how to safely and appropriately use technology in their self-expression and the possible impacts of technology-misuse.  Counselors introduce and guide purposeful course scheduling as High School students strive to make concrete and compound decisions as they navigate parental and peeer pressures. In support of students’ varied academic pathway choices, the Counselor champions each student’s relevant exploration of resources, options, and addressing any barriers to learning.  
    • Appraisal & Advisement – Counselors use a variety of engagement tools with High School students as they face high-stakes testing, the challenges of college admissions, scholarship and financial aid processes and entry into a competitive job market.    The School Counselor brings a wealth of knowledge regarding vocational, academic, and work-based pathways and advocates for and provides students a method to navigate High School’s educational courses and program selection with purpose.  In addition, the HS Counselor is often the school’s primary Suicide Risk Screener conducting initial assessments and collaborating with our Crisis Response Team and School Counselor Coordinator.   
    • Counseling –  Overall student counseling needs are growing and the School Counselor has an important role working to provide a blend of prevention and intervention services.  Secondary Counselors design, develop, and deliver focused counseling services whereby students can maximize skills and functioning in scheduling, truancy, study habits, and life adjustments.  They also provide short-term professional solution oriented and focused counseling support to students in classrooms, large and small groups, or individually to students overcoming social, emotional, behavioral, or other personal issues affecting their educational or vocational performance.  Responding to student mental health needs and assisting students and families seeking mental health resources are services increasingly with High School Counselors and accessing the District’s Multi-Tiered Support Services (MTSS) as appropriate is an expectation.
    Indirect Services
    • Consultation – Using emerging evidence-based counseling theories curricula and activities to accomplish objectives, the School Counselor shares current strategies that support students with parents, staff, administrators, and other educators.  These activities may include for example – in-service trainings or family workshops on a trending topic.  
    • Collaboration –  HS School Counselors collaborate and work within teams with staff, family, and community agencies all working to support student achievement and their social/emotional learning.  Counselors work directly with parents/guardians and administrative staff to resolve a students’ behavioral, academic, and other challenges.  Working with Crisis Response Teams to provide appropriate intervention strategies, including Suicide Risk assessments to meet the emergent needs of individuals, a group, or the school community
    • Referrals – Employees in this position have an active role in the development and implementation of age appropriate Professional Learning for SEL in collaboration with other staff.  They collaborate to support students and families with links to district or community resources for additional information or assistance and in understanding the limits of school counseling and how district services are provided.   Counselor’s may facilitate meetings with parents and guardians to determine students’ individual needs, progress and/or to access additional counseling supports.  In addition, this role serves as the school’s primary point person for a student’s wrap-around plan of services, the Counselor keeps the team informed of progress and needed changes as appropriate.

    Master Scheduling:
    Middle and High School Counselors are the responsible party for each school’s Master Schedule.  School’s with multiple Counselors collaborate as a team to ensure their course scheduling’s fidelity and data veracity.  This continuous process also requires knowledge of other District processes like systemic staffing and school of choice and how student scheduling is affected.  Counselors work with building leadership to sync the number of courses offered with staffing capacity.  Counselors within the same school may share or be assigned all students within a school and each Counselor advocates for a system that best supports their students. 

    Work Based Learning Coordinator:
    Operating under the general direction of building administration and in partnership with the Career & College Readiness Department, this position oversees the daily operations for Work Based Learning Programs such as Career Fairs, Hiring Events, Mock Interviews, WBL Readiness education and student Job Shadows, Internships and Apprenticeships throughout the building the employee is assigned to.  Employee provides an expertise regarding the Work Based Learning Program and is a primary resource to facilitate student recruits.  Employee is also the primary in-field contact for students participating and is available for any training needs, ongoing coaching and in addressing performance issues or Program conflicts.  As a primary point of contact for student Internships and Apprenticeships issues there is an expectation of excellent customer service skills and to work cooperatively to facilitate these interactions. As a leader in the District, this role has the accountability to understand, work within, and improve the complex and comprehensive 

    Leadership and Administration Delivery:
    Leadership in our dynamic educational organization requires an understanding of the philosophy of performance-based education, the D51 Learning Model, and the processes of program evaluation, research, and development.  The CCR and Industry Credentialing Coordinator is considered a technical expert regarding college preparations and industrial credentialing, and how available resources work to ensure student learning is in alignment with District’s initiatives.  This employee:
    • Works with the Career & College Readiness Team, specifically the District-Level WBL Coordinator, to provide a consistent approach to Work Based Learning with the employee ensuring resources and supports are available for students,
    • Actively champions and works directly with the Director regarding the approval process for new courses supporting these initiatives,
    • Collaborates and facilitates secondary student WBL readiness by teaching employability skills,
    • Analyzes career & college readiness of students in order to better understand the effectiveness of innovative curriculum, teaching frameworks, and student engagement;
    • Consults with the Director, building Principal and other leadership regarding program evaluations, indicators of success, and how it relates to supporting district and building initiatives to maximize engagement and achievement for ALL students;
    • Develops and maintains systems, timeframes, processes and procedures that ensures new and ongoing programming and the evaluation thereof are compliant with federal and state laws and regulations and District policies;
    • Evaluates instructional and project-based programs using data integration, evidence based decision-making, data analysis, and evidence-based practices.

    In addition, this role actively works with local Business and Industry to provide and tap into innovative programs and processes that are relevant and applicable to Work Based Learning.  As Career and College pathways are developed this positon will have opportunities to participate in and present at a variety of initiatives, community and school based. 

    Collaborations – Career and College Readiness and Work Based Learning Curriculum
    The Building-Level WBL Coordinator collaborates with CTE Teachers, content specialists, school counselors, and building leaders in the development and implementation of systematic systems that ensure student success.  The Coordinator champions these activities ensuring leadership’s understanding how the District’s mission results in students attaining mastery of the D51 Standards and career readiness;

    Supporting Work Based Learning:
    • Regularly researches and collects Colorado economic data, workforce trends, and employer skill needs,
    • Supports the development and adoption of Career & Technical Education Standards,
    • Provides oversight of approved/adopted D51 WBL offerings,
    • Works to balance students’ interests and ability to explore unknown options with business and industry employment trends, hiring needs including employable skillsets, and known career paths,
    • Works with school staff and students to understand academic graduation requirements, career interests, level of previous work or career exploration experiences and most importantly to engage students with the opportunities offered through WBL Program.Employee is expected to have contact with or provide informational materials to 100% of eligible or potential student candidates.The employee also works to inform school-based staff on WBL Program goals, opportunities, accessibility, and processes,
    • Oversees short term Job Shadows and Internships that help students gain real world experience and allow for students to explore careers thought unattainable or not previously considered.Aspects of internship(s) such as assigning mentors/supervisors, coaching of students, communicating clear expectations, internship timeframe components, and other logistics require some flexibility on the part of all concerned and employee works to document and facilitate these interactions with a high degree of tact and professionalism,
    • Maintains a schedule of regular administrative duties including data gathering, reporting, analysis and making recommendations regarding all aspects of the WBL Program.Areas of administrative responsibilities include but are not limited to accurate and timely inputting of student information, and performance reports.Some customized reporting may be required,
    • Develops collaborative partnerships with District Level Work-Based Learning Coordinator, local business and industry, and student’s pursuing focused career options,
    • Manages and organizes the D51 Career Development Program,
    • Sustains a high level of technical knowledge regarding state and nation-wide workforce initiatives and legislation,
    • Participate in training and workshop opportunities offered through the state or other outside entities,
    • Sharing data and other industry or CCR relevant data with CTE Advisory Board, building leaders, and other stakeholders as requested.

    • Master’s degree in school counseling required including Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP) coursework required for certification or licensure*
    • Attend and successfully complete all staff development training as required by state law or as directed by their Supervisor.
    • Valid Colorado driver’s license or valid Colorado Identification required.
    • Current valid Colorado Special Service Provider License with School Counseling endorsement required;
    • Willingness to obtain WBL Coordinator credential through CDE;

    Working Conditions:
    High School Counselor: 208 days / year
    Work Based Learning Coordinator: 188 days / year

    Application Procedure:
    Apply online

    Selection Procedure:
    Position is posted to internal transfers for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days or open until filled.  

    Salary & Benefits:
    Teacher Base Pay Salary Schedule Range:
    $50,015 - $104,432 based on one (1) FTE at one hundred eighty eight (188) days.

    Hiring Range for External Candidates:
    $50,015 - $85,857 
    *Teachers are initially placed according to experience. Teachers new to the District may be granted up to 15 years of experience, provided the experience occurred within the last 20 years in accordance with the MVEA Agreement.

    View all salary schedules for the current school year at: https://www.d51schools.org/departments111/human-resources/salary-schedules
    Information regarding D51 Benefits can be found here: https://www.d51schools.org/departments111/human-resources/employee-benefits

Postings current as of 3/13/2025 10:23:33 AM CST.

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