Assist licensed staff in the implementation of an individualized education program (IEP); to assist in the instruction of students with moderate to severe learning and/or physical disabilities by providing individualized and small group instruction and; to assist with student data collection.
Corvallis School District participates in the Oregon Public Employee Retirement System (PERS and OPSRP) on behalf of its employees. Upon eligibility, the district contributes 6% of an employee’s salary to their Individual Account Program (IAP). Eligibility is defined as working at least six full calendar months in a qualifying position. Part-time employees working at least six months and 600 hours in a calendar year will qualify.
This is a brief description/summary of the position. Please see the attachment to view the full job description.
The Corvallis School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, citizenship, color, disability, gender expression, gender identity, national origin, parental or marital status, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities, and provides equal access to designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding discrimination: Rynda Gregory, Human Resources Administrator and Title IX Coordinator:, 971-217-6309; Melissa Harder, Assistant Superintendent and Title II Oversight:; Sabrina Wood, Special Education Coordinator and ADA Title II Complaints:
El Distrito Escolar de Corvallis no discrimina en base a la edad, nacionalidad, color, discapacidad, expresión de género, identidad de género, origen nacional, situación de los padres o de su estado civil, raza, religión, sexo u orientación sexual en sus programas y actividades, y proporciona igualdad de acceso a los grupos de jóvenes designados. Las siguientes personas han sido designadas para atender las consultas relacionadas con la discriminación:
Rynda Gregory, Administradora de Recursos Humanos y Coordinadora de Título IX:, 971-217-6309; Melissa Harder, Superintendente Asistente y Supervisora del Título II:; Sabrina Wood, Coordinadora de Educación Especial y Quejas de Título II de Americanos con Discapacidades (ADA por sus siglas en inglés):