Librarian Job Description
Supervise and manage the school library/media center. Provide services and resources that allow students to develop skill in locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and using information to solve problems. Serve as teacher, materials expert, and curriculum adviser to ensure that the library/media center is involved in the instructional programs of the school.
• Provide group instruction and individual guidance to students to help them locate resources and use research techniques.
• Supports teachers on appropriate use of materials and help them schedule materials for classroom instruction.
• Serve as an information resource for users of library/media center materials and provide staff development opportunities for teachers on the availability and use of campus and district learning resources.
• Take a leadership role in promoting and demonstrating the use of new technologies and media with students, teachers, and other adults.
• Effectively plan school library programs to meet identified curriculum needs.
• Make resources available to students and faculty through a systematically developed collection within the school library and through access to resources outside the school.
• Provide access to the library media center throughout the school day, scheduling classes flexibly to encourage use at the point of need and organize and manage the library media facility in a manner that encourages access.
• Manage acquisitions, processing, organizing, distribution, maintenance, and inventory of resources.
• Create a library/media center environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity level, interest of students, and board policy.
• Carry out discipline in accordance with board policies and administrative regulations.
• Interact with students to promote positive attitudes toward school library.
• Compile, budget and cost estimates based on documented program needs.
• Comply with federal and state laws, the Texas Education Agency, and board policy in the library/media services area.
• Develop and coordinate a continuing evaluation of the library/media center program and make changes based on the findings.
• Maintain a positive and effective relationship through communication with supervisors, colleagues, students and parents.
• Participate in ongoing and current professional development opportunities in order to provide innovative library services.
• Comply with all district and campus routines and regulations.
• Perform other tasks as may be assigned by Supervisor/Superintendent.
• Monitor state library standard and campus library expenditures to ensure proper alignment of the library collection with resource allocation