Waconia Public Schools - Employee Transfer Request
Employee Transfer Request
Waconia Public Schools
Assigned To:
Public User
Show History
Name: required
Current Position:
Current Position: required
Current Building:
Bayview Elementary School
Southview Elementary School
Laketown Elementary School
Waconia Middle School
Waconia High School
Community Education
Waconia Area Learning Center
Education Services Center
Current Building: required
Please select one of the following options:
Transfer within building
Transfer to another district building
Please select one of the following options: required
Please indicate the building you are requesting a transfer to.
Bayview Elementary School
Southview Elementary School
Laketown Elementary School
Waconia Middle School
Waconia High School
Community Education
Waconia Area Learning Center
Education Services Center
Please indicate the position(s) you are requesting a transfer to:
Please indicate the position(s) you are requesting a transfer to: required
Are you licensed for this position(s)?
Are you licensed for this position(s)? required
Please provide a brief summary of the reason for your transfer request:
Please provide a brief summary of the reason for your transfer request: required
Please submit completed form by February 15th to ensure consideration for the subsequent school year.
Employee Signature
Signature is required
By typing in your name (your “eSignature”), you accept and consent to be legally bound by this document’s statements, terms and conditions as if this document was signed by you in writing with pen on paper. You agree that no third party or other means of verification is necessary to validate your eSignature and that the lack of such third party or other means of verification will not in any way affect the enforceability of this document.
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Sent To: Public User, On:
1/2/2025 12:16:31 PM Central Standard Time